Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

Two posts in one day! Phew! But I couldn't pass up Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, that's for sure. I just have a few pics from out at the farm I work at and on my walk home...

First we have some pollinator habitat on the border of one of the vegetable beds at the farm. There are several areas where we've just let a chunk of field grow wild and gotten some stunning results!

Then we have the one of the lovely sunflowers that popped up near one of the high tunnels this week. It always makes me smile.

On my walk home there's a crazy, overgrown front garden that belongs to one of my neighbors. Despite the insanity of the garden, it's got quite a few amazingly strong perennials battling each other for the spotlight. This lily was especially gorgeous this week. I wonder who will take center stage next.

And finally, some asters on the edge of the farm's clover border.


  1. I love when the wildflowers take over and shine!

    Happy Bloom Day!

  2. Happy Bloom Day! I love your sunflower and beautiful lillies!
